Xanvox is a CRM suite that comes with a range of solutions from sales automation and forecasting, marketing automation, client onboarding, marketing analytics. telemarketing, customer service and more. Xanvox uses a multitude of learning algorithms in many of its modules such as lead management, sales forecast, marketing automation, analysing sales calls to generate predictive content and for predictive analytics. Xanvox aims to create a comprehensive marketing and sales ecosystem that encompass-es email, mobile and social media marketing, sales insights, predictive content, automation, analytics and more.



All client activities are organized in a central dashboard, which includes not only the leads and contacts themselves but also agent activity pertaining to company business. Xanvox also enables end users to integrate or import contacts, tasks. and schedules using third-party software or apps or through certain file formats (usually CSV). Similarly the analytics data can be exported as reports.

Al systems are used in several lead optimizations such as
Lead generation based on
previous lead analytics
Lead scoring based on demographic,
firmographic and other inputs
Lead lost/ opportunity analysis


Xanvox packs an inbrowser calling feature for the agents to call leads directly from browsers without any third-party installations. and also schedule/regulate dialing for optimal calling rate and minimum call drops, all in one click.


Xanvox will provide an activity feed of agent that belong to the same group or campaign. This is helpful to monitor progress on specific cases from a collaborative or managerial stand-point. It informs agents, managers, and admins how much progress has been made toward certain goals. Activity reports can also be exported.


Xanvox can be configured to automate (in various levels of automation) any routine tasks such as record updates, task creation and assignment, notifications, report creation, and specialized automations for marketing, sales, and customer service. Automation is made simple with well designed intuitive U I and easy configurations.


Xanvox enables consolidation of the client data from several sources or databases into a single database (High Availability if req). This data can be synced and updated for use in all the integrated platforms required during customer interactions.


Customer interactions can be personalized (account or campaign level) based on demographic criteria, purchase history, interaction history, channel preference, and more.


Xanvox leverages machine learning algorithms like clustering, recommendation systems, natural language processing. classifiers for various modules like transcribe and sentiment analysis, analyse speaking patterns to correlate with caller's emotional states, score, nurture and qualify leads, model customer interests, predict opportunities and forecast sales. The data obtained from all such analytics is used to provide sales intelligence and business opportunities.


The voice calls are recorded and transcribed along with captured time stamped notes for analysis. Xanvox processes this data to obtain transcripts, highlight references to phrases of specific interest such as budget, pricing, decision maker, etc. Custom trackers can be added to mark specific moments in call which will help the Xanvox AI to identify topical trends, best practices and compare with data in historical context. Additionally this data can be extensively used in agents training or benchmark agents performance against best practices.
Xanvox Al performs sentiment analysis to predict outcome of call and flags certain phrases which can be used as cues for agents, for training purposes. Xanvox also performs various real time tasks on the transcribed data such as analyzing speaking patterns, word choice, and other conversational dynamics to determine caller's emotional states and offer real time guidance to agents to resolve conflicts or close a sale. For example prompting agents to slow down their speech, give caller more room to talk, points to emphasize in an argument, etc.


Xanvox AI automates 'real communication' with all customers through email to nurture, follow up and cross sell. For example the tasks like obtaining the best phone number, time to call, purchase criteria and after sales feedback, can be automated all through email. This data can be directly mapped to other modules of Xanvox, hence enabling the agents to focus directly on voice calls.


Xanvox Customer service AI can help organize inbound help-desk calls by predicting which group or agent is best equipped to deal with certain tickets. It can also recommend best responses based on ticket criteria or a response template for certain tickets. Further the system can predict case metadata to reduce data entry and suggest or automate responses to lower average resolution time, provide a consistent experience and improve customer satisfaction. Customer service Al also learns from past successful ticket resolutions to identify similarities with existing tickets and suggests steps to resolution.


Xanvox AI processes existing Xanvox CRM and marketing data such as behavioral and demographic information, adding marketing indicators from public databases, and identifying buying propensity from past closed deals to provide real-time scores for current leads, which facilitates in devising and updating an analog model for focusing on leads on priority for more closed sales.


Xanvox AI applies data mining, analytics, and machine learning drawing from public data sources and market domain data to provide business intelligence, historical analysis, real time trend and sentiment analysis, monitoring and alerts. This module has customizable configurations to choose business domain, add rules, add sources etc. , which help in making better models for predictive analytics.